中美洲經貿辦事處 Central America Trade Office
Agricultural training course for partners in Africa kicks off in Pingtung


An intensive training course aimed at sharing agricultural knowledge and techniques with African professionals in the field kicked off July 8 in Pingtung County in southern Taiwan, reflecting government commitment to deepening ties with its partner countries on the continent.
According to the Ministry of Education, a total of 25 trainees are taking part in the three-week event. They hail from Eswatini, Kenya, Libya, Namibia, Nigeria, Somaliland, South Africa and Tanzania.
The Intensive Training Course for African Elites is Taiwan’s response to the African Union’s “Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want,” a set of initiatives intended to transform the continent into a global powerhouse, the MOE said.
The government is looking to contribute to this ambitious project by offering its expertise in medical care, public health, vocational training and teacher training for the benefit of African countries, the ministry added.
First held in 2023, the training session is organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Overseas Community Affairs Council. It is taking place at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology.
In addition to courses from NPUST faculty in animal science, plant medicine and tropical agriculture, the program will also feature seminars by experts and officials from the MOA and Taipei City-based International Cooperation and Development Fund to bring the trainees up to speed on Taiwan’s foreign cooperative projects, the MOE said, adding that attendees would thus be encouraged to take part in these initiatives after returning home.

Source:  Taiwan Today (https://taiwantoday.tw/index.php)