中美洲經貿辦事處 Central America Trade Office
Taiwan and Marshall Islands deepen relationship


Minister of Foreign Affairs Lin Chia-lung said that Taiwan values the bond with the Marshall Islands and will continue to work with the Pacific ally in promoting cooperation.

Lin made the remarks while receiving a delegation led by Joe Bejang, minister of Education, Sports and Training, July 3 in Taipei City. During the meeting, Lin thanked Bejang for voicing support for Taiwan in multiple international contexts in his posts as both health and justice minister.

In response, Bejang voiced his gratitude to Taiwan for assisting in this year’s Micronesian Games as well as its long-standing facilitation of education by providing scholarships and training courses. He emphasized that there have been solid bilateral diplomatic ties for over 26 years and vowed to continue strengthening the relationship in diverse fields.

A memorandum of understanding on educational cooperation was signed at the meeting. The two sides plan to expand exchange in Austronesian cultural studies, education, sports, and teacher training, the MOFA added.

Source:  Taiwan Today (https://taiwantoday.tw/index.php)