中美洲經貿辦事處 Central America Trade Office
Taiwan and Japan deepen agricultural links


Taiwan and Japan are ramping up reciprocal promotion of each other’s fresh produce, underscoring the two country’s commitment to deepening agricultural ties, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.

Minister of Agriculture Chen Junne-jih said Taiwan and Japan enjoy long-standing agricultural collaboration spanning both the public and private sectors, adding that the cross-border introduction and marketing of agricultural products reflects a new cooperation model.

Chen made the remarks while receiving Kazuyuki Katayama, chief representative of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association’s Taipei Office, July 1 in Taipei City. The minister thanked Katayama for his role in facilitating import approval of Taiwan-grown red dragon fruit June 5.

The Taiwan-Japan Summer Fruit Festival, organized by JTEA and Taipei City-based General Association of Chinese Culture, has been held in the capital for two consecutive years, the MOA said. This year’s event is set to take place Aug. 24-25 at Pier-2 Art Center in Kaohsiung City to boost access for residents of southern Taiwan.

According to MOA statistics, Japan has become the number one export destination of Taiwan’s fresh fruit, with a total sales volume of over 17,876 tons and a value of more than US$29 million. Bananas, dates, dragon fruit, lychees, pineapples, pomelos from Taiwan have already hit shelves in Japan, the MOA said, adding that it is currently negotiating the export of mangos.

Source:  Taiwan Today (https://taiwantoday.tw/index.php)