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Taiwan stages international judicial cooperation seminar series


An international legal seminar series wrapped up June 7 in Taipei City, underscoring the government’s commitment to expanding judicial collaboration with like-minded countries and enhancing Taiwan’s visibility on the global stage, according to the Ministry of Justice.

The events were organized to establish effective communication channels and boost the efficiency of multinational cooperation to combat transnational crime, the MOJ said, adding that fraud, money laundering, and business confidentiality and national security concerns are on the rise. Participants included attorneys, officials and legal experts from Taiwan, Canada, Estonia, Germany, the U.S. and the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation.

As part of the series, the Supreme Prosecutors Office in Taipei City hosted a national security symposium June 4. During his opening remarks, MOJ Deputy Minister Huang Shih-chieh said that economic espionage and disinformation posed a large threat to economic, political and social stability, necessitating a transnational cooperative mechanism to jointly address the challenges.

Another conference staged June 6 in the central country of Nantou involved in-depth discussions on artificial intelligence, asset recovery and mutual judicial assistance. Speaking at the event, MOJ Deputy Minister Hsu Hsi-hsiang praised the European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act, adding that Taiwan hopes to emulate the legislation to achieve more comprehensive and robust regulations.

The series is expected to enhance investigative capacity and evidence collection via strengthened partnership among participating countries and organizations, the MOJ said. 

Source:  Taiwan Today (https://taiwantoday.tw/index.php)