中美洲經貿辦事處 Central America Trade Office
Taiwan deepens economic and cultural links with Czechia


Taiwan and Czechia signed a Business Opportunities Enhancement Program to expand investment and trade ties Dec. 22, while strengthening the bilateral relationship in other fields.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the pact was inked online by Ke Liang-ruey, head of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Prague and David Steinke, head of the Czech Economic and Cultural Office Taipei.

The two sides will collaborate in establishing a platform to facilitate exchange in culture, economy, technology and trade. The platform will enhance business communication, information interchange and other issues of mutual concern, the MOFA said.

BOEP is part of a cooperative project through which Taiwan and the Czech Republic are promoting resilient democratic supply chains. The ministry added that the Czech government will set up a center in Taiwan to integrate local resources and expand cultural, economic and trade relations with Taiwan.

The relationship between Taiwan and Czechia has grown stronger in recent years through frequent interaction in economy, technology and trade, education and humanitarian relief. The BOEP will further enhance this. 

Source: Noticias de Taiwan (https://taiwantoday.tw/index.php)