中美洲經貿辦事處 Central America Trade Office
Foreign Minister Wu gives interview to German media


Minister of Foreign Affairs Jaushieh Joseph Wu spoke with reporters from eight of Germany’s major news outlets Nov. 28 in Taipei City, covering topics including Taiwan’s role in international society, Taiwan-Germany relations and the military threat from China.

According to the MOFA, the minister said China has been increasingly aggressive: launching cognitive warfare, cyberattacks and disinformation aimed at triggering a divide within Taiwan’s society. Wu added that the government is taking measures to counter China’s interference, especially as the election in January approaches.

Based on Taiwan’s key role in the semiconductor supply chain and global maritime traffic, aggression from China will also impact the interests of other countries, the minister said. He further warned that China is attempting to expand its influence in the South and East China Seas, as well as across the Indo-Pacific region.

Wu also addressed Taiwan’s general relations with international society, saying that Canada, the EU and the U.S. have been speaking out in support of Taiwan, especially during the G7 Hiroshima Summit and the European Summit. Countries in central and eastern Europe, particularly the Baltic states, have been stepping up exchanges with Taiwan in a show of unity among democracies, the minister added.

Wu encouraged Germany to adopt a de-risking policy like other EU members, saying that Taiwan and Germany both place a high value on democracy and freedom. The minister concluded by suggesting meetings of high-level officials to facilitate the continued growth of trade and economic ties for the mutual benefit of both countries. 

Source: Noticias de Taiwan (https://taiwantoday.tw/index.php)