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MOFA releases latest international cooperation white paper


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the latest edition of its white paper on Taiwan’s international cooperation Dec. 7 in Taipei City, underscoring the country’s contributions and achievements in the global arena.

According to the ministry, Taiwan has been providing pragmatic, mutually beneficial assistance to other countries for years. The new version of the white paper reframes foreign aid as international cooperation to highlight that all countries must work together to achieve the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, the MOFA said.

The document also emphasizes how Taiwan has advanced democratic collaboration as a responsible member of the global community, particularly amid the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, the ministry added.

Additionally, the paper outlines the Taiwan Model of international engagement, which is to identify the target country’s needs and leverage Taiwan’s industrial strengths to boost the partner nation’s capacity and address its developmental requirements.

The white paper consists of eight chapters, including current trends in international cooperation and Taiwan’s major contributions, such as its efforts to help the global community combat COVID-19 and its aid for Ukraine and refugees who fled to neighboring countries following the Russian invasion, the MOFA added.

The ministry said that Taiwan will continue to abide by the core values of democracy, freedom and respect for human rights and the rule of law while adopting more active and open practices to promote international cooperation with like-minded countries.

Source: Noticias de Taiwan (https://taiwantoday.tw/index.php)