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Taiwan artist commissioned by U.S. New York Metropolitan Museum of Art


A Taiwan calligrapher has been commissioned by the U.S. New York Metropolitan Museum of Art for two large-scale pieces for its Great Hall, to be exhibited in November 2024.

Announced by the museum Nov. 29, this commission is Tong Yang-tze’s first major exhibition in the U.S. The calligrapher graduated from National Taiwan Normal University in 1966 and from the University of Massachusetts in 1970. 

Tong renders quotes from Chinese classical literature into enlarged Chinese characters. She was inspired by the size and composition of mid-20th century Western abstract paintings.

Western theater audiences may be familiar with Tong’s work as backdrops to Taiwan’s Cloud Gate Dance Theater performances, without knowing the artist’s name.

The artist is particularly famous for the monumental scale of her work. She believes both that calligraphy can transcend language barriers and  the importance of its essence as a written art form. 

Source: Noticias de Taiwan (https://taiwantoday.tw/index.php)