2012 Honduras Cigar Night
Cigar is one of the main exporting products in Honduras, one of Taiwan’s allied countries in Central America, which has provided nearly 100 thousands jobs in the country. The following 5 provinces produce most of the cigar in Honduras: Copán, El Paraíso, Olancho, Comayagua and Francisco Morazán; where tobacco and cigar processing is the main industry locally.
On July 20th, 2012, Honduras Cigar Night took place at the QUUBE Bar of Le Méridien Hotel Taipei. Both representatives of Honduras cigar suppliers and Taiwan cigar importers were invited to participate in this event. During their visit in Taiwan, CATO arranged meetings for the Honduran Delegation with major Taiwanese tobacco importers, in order to promote better mutual understanding and more demand from the Taiwanese market. The Honduran Delegation also provided the most updated information about Honduras cigars to those Taiwanese companies interested in importing from Honduras or building up further business cooperation.
At the event, a variety and different brands of Honduran cigars with unique flavor & texture were available for the attendants for sample tasting. Through the Honduras Cigar Night, Taiwanese importers were given the opportunity to know more about Honduras tobacco industry and its related culture, and to possibly introduce the Honduras cigars into the Taiwan market, while promoting the product fame in the Asian Nation.